Established January 21, 2021 in honor of Dr. Michael Bedford Priest, a beloved son, brother, champion and friend, The Dr. Michael Priest Charitable Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to charity, philanthropy and scholarship.
Each year The Dr. Michael Priest Charitable Trust will make a substantial donation to such important organizations as St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, the Cerebral Palsy Foundation and the Special Olympics, as well as other deserving humanitarian causes.
The Dr. Michael Priest Scholarship is granted annually to the college-bound Virginia sportsperson who best exemplifies not only outstanding athletic prowess, but also sportsmanship, individual contribution to their team or teams, community involvement, and academic excellence.

Priest, M.D.
1.21.1983 - 11.11.2020
Dr. Michael Priest was more than a star collegiate athlete. He was an academic All-American, a caring physician, and a compassionate humanitarian. Michael never missed an opportunity to help those less fortunate or to raise the spirits and confidence of those around him. Though his life was tragically cut short, the impact of his character and existence will be felt for years to come.
It is an honor and privilege to carry on Michael's legacy through The Dr. Michael Priest Charitable Trust. Helmed by his brothers Berkley and Regan, with the generous support of his parents Dr. James and Mary Eleanor Priest, Michael's altruistic nature and dedication to excellence in all areas of life will be remembered through philanthropic donations to fundamental charities and deserving individuals for decades to come.
heroes get remembered. legends never die.

Few things in life are certain. Anything that you have done has been done before, and there’s always someone behind you who can do it better. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that your heart is strong, your mind is sound, and that at every moment you are aware of who you are and what you are about.
Did you take the simplest path? Did you opt for the road wrought with twists and turns? Did you stop along the way to offer your hand to a person who was stumbling or ridiculed? Did you become the eyes for a person who could not see? Did you offer a word of encouragement to someone who was down, or just needed a shoulder?
Encouragement is one of the most powerful forces unleashed in our universe. Encouragement is more than a smile or a friendly gesture. It can change an attitude about life, give the underdog the willingness to excel, provide the aura of good will and make you who you are. It is not easy to remain calm and collected. Take the punches when they come and rise to the top of your game. For every hit there will be a miss - every leap there will be a stumble. Only by encouragement will you be able to get up and do it better next time.
Seek opportunities. Scholarship strengthens the mind. Leadership builds confidence. Service fulfills the heart. Citizenship instills pride. But all of this is useless without the character to seek opportunities, or give someone the courage to face a tough situation. Speak a word of encouragement. Write a note of gratitude. Hold your head high. No matter what tomorrow brings...
- Dr. Michael Bedford Priest